Poet & Performer


Esto No Tiene Nombre (work-in-progress) is a one-woman show written & performed by Denice Frohman that centers the oral histories of Latina lesbian elders.

Upcoming Show: March 21-23 at MACLA (San Jose, CA). TICKETS

Photo: Debut workshop performance at Neighborhood House Theater (Philadelphia, June 2023).



DENICE FROHMAN is a poet and performer from New York City. She has received support from The Pew Center for the Arts, Baldwin for the Arts, CantoMundo, Headlands Center for the Arts, the National Association of Latino Arts and Cultures and the National Endowment for the Arts.

Her work has appeared in The New York Times, Poem-A-Day (The Academy of American Poets), The BreakBeat Poets: LatiNext, Nepantla: An Anthology for Queer Poets of Color, The Rumpus and elsewhere. A former Women of the World Poetry Slam Champion, she’s featured on hundreds of stages from The Apollo to The White House. Currently, she is developing her one-woman show, Esto No Tiene Nombre, which centers the oral histories of Latina lesbian elders.

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February 18-21: Achieving The Dream Conference (Philadelphia, PA)

March 2: Unapologetically Us Unity Conference | Ramapo College of New Jersey (New Brunswick, NJ)

March 21 - 23, 2025: Esto No Tiene Nombre (work-in-progress)| Presented by MACLA (San Jose, CA) | Tickets

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her accent / is a stubborn compass / always pointing her towards home

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